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Introducing #WeTalkTIC !

TOC Worldwide is delighted to be collaborating with the Terminal Industry Committee 4.0 (TIC 4.0), to help promote the standards that will enable the cargo handling industry to embrace the 4th industrial revolution.  Below we hear more from TIC 4.0 about their brand ‘We Talk TIC’ initiative and logo:

TIC4.0 is pleased to present to the port-logistics community the "We Talk TIC" logo.  This logo symbolizes an important step forward by the industry showing its commitment and support to progress in the standardisation of processes, technology and in the digital transformation of port operations.

The "We Talk TIC" logo should become a sign of rallying of port terminal operators, port equipment manufacturers and digital solution providers for the future of the sector, which will be driven by the intensive use of data and the application of Industry 4.0 technologies such as Big Data Management, Artificial Intelligence, Predictive Analytics, Digital Twins, IoT and other related solutions.

The "We Talk TIC" logo is more than a marketing instrument, as it means for companies displaying it: “We are (or we aim to) integrating the TIC4.0 Standard Language and definitions in our port operations / in the equipment or solutions we supply to the port operators". The “We Talk TIC” logo can be used by TIC4.0 members as well as non-members active in the port terminal industry, meaning it is available for its use to the whole port-logistics community.

From the terminal operator perspective, by using the "We Talk TIC Logo" the company expresses that is has already implemented or has an interest in implementing parts of the TIC4.0 Language and will require services, tools and pilots for testing, validating and implementing it”.

The level of adoption of TIC4.0 language according to the harmonised semantics and data models currently proposed by TIC4.0 is not reflected by the use of the logo.

From the equipment manufacturer and digital solution provider perspective, using the "We Talk TIC" logo expresses that the company’s products already integrate the first versions of the TIC4.0 Language, or that the company is willing to integrate TIC4.0 Language in their products to address their customer’s needs.

TIC4.0 wants to thank all TIC4.0 members for making this outstanding milestone a reality and encourages the industry to embrace the 4th Industrial Revolution together with us.

Let's work together, let's Talk TIC!

For more information about the Terminal Industry Committee 4.0, visit their website here:

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